Chronic Nonspecific low back painDec 20, 2023Having chronic low back pain? Wondering what can be done?. It is simple: Studies over and over again show that physical activity is the best healer.
Insulin, and its different typesNov 16, 2023Insulin helps the body regulate Glucose by moving it moves glucose from the blood into the body cells where it is used as fuel. without it, glucose level rises in blood and causes the known symptoms and signs of Diabetes.
For those who love their feet!Nov 09, 2023It's easy to get overwhelmed shopping for running shoes— there's no shortage of brands and style choices available. Here are some tips that can get you in the right pair.
Early Signs and symptoms of diabetesApr 28, 2023It can be tricky to know you have diabetes because symptoms can go unrecognized for some time. But, the earlier you get a diagnosis and act, the more likely it is you may be able to reverse diabetes or at least prevent long-term health issues.
POS: Polycystic ovarian syndromeJan 27, 2023Can not lose the weight? Having irregular menstrual periods? Having excessive pain and acne? You may have PCOS. Keep reading to find out.
Dermal FillersDec 27, 2022Hyaluronic acid, or HA, is a naturally occurring substance that delivers volume to the skin. Dermal filler containing HA are long lasting non-surgical option to plumb and hydrate the skin. It is used on multiple locations in the face to rejuvenate skin.
Botox - What is it and how it works?Dec 19, 2022You want to get those lines away for the holidays. Keep reading here.
6 tips to lower your blood pressureNov 21, 2022Hypertension - elevated blood pressure - can lead to many health problems. Treatment starts by life style modifications, before medication.
How to Stop Snoring:Nov 12, 2022Snoring is a common cause of sleep interruption. It can be a nuisance for the person who snores and any of their sleeping partners. Different medical conditions increase the risk of snoring, but treatment is available.
What Is Sciatica, and How Is It Treated?Nov 04, 2022Back pain is very common. Sciatica is a specific kind of back pain caused by compression of the sciatic nerve from arthritis, disc herniation, injury, or tissue inflammation. Sciatica can be quite uncomfortable, but it’s usually only temporary.